- Network analyzer
- LCR-bridges
- Frequency counters
- SPR (jointly with the Department of Biological Chemistry)
- Potentiostat with E-QCM extension (Metrohm Autolab)
- Fluidics for gas and liquid phase
- AFM/STM (Bruker Multi Mode 8) with Scan Assist and Peak Force QNM extension
- Raman/AFM: core user of the Interfaculty Center for Nanostructure Research
- Light microscope
Other Equipment
- Fluorecence spectrometer
- Deposition techniques: spin coater, sputter machine
- Plasma Cleaner (Diener Electronic Zepto One)
- Cell counter (OMNI Life Science CASY)
- Particle size measurements: DLS, Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (joint use at the Department of Materials Chemistry)
- Access to GC-MS and LC-MS (Faculty Center for Mass Spectrometry)